Tag Archive | remission

365 days.

365 days ago…one year.

Its been one year today since I heard the dreadful word first told to be: Cancer.


My last year has been overrun by this word. I have been sick, tired, sad, mad, confused, optimistic, pessimistic, worried, scared, happy, furious, hurt more times this past year in regards to cancer.

Today I try not to focus on these things. These past feelings that overran my life this past year. Today I focus on the future. The future of being Cancer Free. I have been anxious and overrun by worry recently of the chance of cancer coming back in some form and having to go through hell again. But I dont want to be worried all the time. I want this next year to bring nothing but health, happiness, and a brighter outlook for my future.

This past year has gone by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I heard those words. I remember those feelings. But on the other hand, it seems like a lifetime ago as well, because SO much has happened in a 365 day span.

I could not have gotten through the past year without my family, friends and fiance. It was a tough year, the hardest of my life, but I am trying to stay optimistic that this next year will be wonderful.

Its hard to believe this was me last year, on Dylans birthday the week before I was diagnosed..and compared to this year on Dylans birthday

dylansbady2013 dylansbday


Very different, in so many ways (I miss my hair…)

On some great things coming up, I will be having my final exchange surgery in just 10 days, changing out these awful rock hard expanders for nice squishy implants. Excited is an understatement!

My sister (and nephew) and neice will be here fo 2 weeks in April, I cannot wait to see them!

Dylan and I set a date and picked a venue for the wedding: April 25, 2015 at a beautiful outdoor venue in Porterville, Ca.

My hair is growing..still so slow in my eyes, but its getting poofy and big. I WILL be dying it in the near future lighter (not as blonde as I was)..but to give myself some feeling of having this hair on purpose at least 🙂



Heres to a great new year for me…hope to continue feeling good, staying healthy and hopefully never hearing the C word told to me again! XOXO
